How do I take care of my little boy’s teeth

By transmitting good oral hygiene habits which is one of the most important health lessons that can teach you. This means helping him brush his teeth at least twice a day, showing him the proper way to floss, avoiding the consumption of food between meals and taking him to the dentist periodically.

Most dentists recommend that children begin visiting the dental office at two years of age. This offers the opportunity to control the growth and development of the child’s teeth and will give you the opportunity to learn about the development of teeth, the need to use fluoride, how to help your child maintain proper hygiene oral, how to resolve your child’s oral habits (such as the use of a pacifier), aspects of diet and nutrition, and how to prevent oral injuries.

Always comment that visiting the dentist is a positive experience. Explain to your child that this helps maintain healthy teeth. Since it will encourage a positive attitude and increase the chances of your child going to the dentist periodically throughout his life.

What should I do when my child’s teeth start to erupt?

The teeth begin to erupt around six months of age and continue to do so until about three years. This causes discomfort in the gums of many children, a situation that makes them irritable. The discomfort can be reduced by rubbing the gums with your finger, with a cold spoon or a tether that has been placed in the freezer. There are also gels and analgesic products that can be used during the eruption of babies’ teeth. Consult the dentist or pediatrician about these products. If your child has a fever during teething, it is best to contact your doctor to rule out the possibility of another type of disorder.

What is the correct way to brush my child’s teeth?

It is advisable to supervise the brushing of your child until he is six years old, following the instructions below:

  • Use a small amount of toothpaste teeth with low fluoride level approved by the Dental Association of your country. Verify that your children do not overdo their toothpaste.
  • Use a toothbrush with soft bristles, first brushing the inside surfaces of all the teeth, where more plaque builds up. Place the slanting bristles towards the gum and gently brush back and forth.
  • Clean all exterior surfaces of the teeth. Place the slanting bristles towards the gum and gently brush back and forth.
  • Place the brush so that the bristles are on the chewing surface of the teeth. Brush gently back and forth.

Is the finger sucking habit a problem? How can it be treated?

The sucking reflex is normal and healthy in babies. However, if it continues after the permanent teeth have erupted, between four and seven years, this habit can cause problems with the growth of the mouth and jaw, as well as the position of the teeth. The habitual suction of the finger causes the anterior teeth to be directed outwards causing an open bite. This can cause problems in adulthood, such as premature wear of the teeth, increased amount of decay and discomfort when biting. Suction of pacifiers once the teeth appear permanent cause’s similar problems.

The best way to solve the habit of sucking (sucking) is through positive reinforcement, without using words or negative behavior. Your son is only doing what seems natural to him. Praise him when he does not. Try to correct the anxiety that gives rise to this habit. The dentist or the pediatrician can also prescribe a product with a bitter taste to cover the finger and prevent suction or an appliance that reminds you not to suck it.

Do you know everything about the dental biofilm

Many patients are not familiar with the concept of dental biofilm, although it affects our teeth and gums on a daily basis. Do you know what exactly the oral biofilm is? What effects does it have on my smile?

The dental biofilm, better known as bacterial plaque, is a yellowish substance that forms in the oral cavity. The origin of the biofilm is in the bacteria that adhere to the teeth and gums. Every day we expose our smile to the accumulation of dental biofilm: when eating, drinking, kissing, biting objects, taking medication … The accumulation of oral biofilm is related to several complications:

  • Tooth decay. The biofilm attacks the enamel and demineralizes it, favoring the development of the cavity that causes dental caries. In its most advanced stages, decay can destroy the inside of the affected tooth. Dental plaque can inflame the gums, although there are other factors that contribute to its development.
  • Periodontal diseases. It is periodontitis or pyorrhea, which consists of a gingivitis in a very advanced state and affects the bone and tissues that support the tooth. In some cases it can cause the loss of the tooth. If we do not eliminate the biofilm, with the passage of time it hardens and generates tartar. Tartar is a sticky film that adheres to the tooth surface and has an unattractive yellowish appearance. Tartar can only be removed in the clinic, by means of a professional dental cleaning.

Tips to control the dental biofilm

  • Daily brushing. The first step to control the biofilm is to maintain a good daily oral hygiene routine. That is, brush your teeth using a toothpaste with antibacterial ingredients.
  • Interproximal cleaning. The brush cannot reach effectively difficult corners of the oral cavity. The spaces between teeth, the line of the gums … These spaces tend to accumulate large amounts of oral biofilm. Using mouthwash with fluoride is key to eliminating biofilm from these more difficult spaces. In case of orthodontics, the use of interproximal hygiene techniques such as oral irrigation is recommended.
  • Use of plate developers. They dye a striking color each area where there is presence of dental biofilm.

On the other hand, do not forget to visit your trusted dentist regularly. In a routine visit, the first symptoms of diseases caused by the accumulation of oral biofilm can be detected. With good care at home and regular visits to the dentist you can show a healthier smile and free of dental biofilm.

The gums at women

You know that, as a woman, your body has certain peculiarities that distinguish it. You also know that the care of your mouth is important for your health.

In some periods of her life, women go through stages such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause that require some additional care in their oral health.

These particular moments are associated with hormonal changes that affect different areas of the body.

The gum tissue is extremely sensitive to hormonal changes and can therefore favor situations that even lead to the loss of teeth.

What is gum disease?

Known as periodontal disease or vulgarly “pyorrhea”, it is a chronic infection caused by bacteria from the dental plaque, a transparent and sticky film that sticks constantly around the teeth.

Periodontal disease affects the structures that hold the teeth to the mouth.

At first it appears that gingivitis does not receive treatment, in one of every two women it will become a periodontitis with extension to the bone that surrounds the tooth, which is irreversibly destroyed.

In the end the teeth get lost.

The symptoms of gingivitis are redness and bleeding of the gum, spontaneously or with brushing.

Sometimes these symptoms can go unnoticed, especially in smokers

Without effective oral hygiene, including brushing and cleaning between the teeth with silk or interdental brushes and regular visits to the dentist, you run the risk of getting gum disease.

It is important to bear in mind that a woman’s hormonal changes can accelerate or trigger a problem of this type.

Here are some recommendations on situations that may arise during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.


During puberty, the increase in female hormone levels produces an increase in blood circulation of the gum.

Therefore, it tends to swell and may have a greater tendency to bleed.

As a young woman matures in her development, the tendency to bleeding diminishes but if an adequate prevention was not carried out, the gum can remain permanently damaged.

The best way to prevent this situation is the daily care of the teeth and the regular visit to your dentist or periodontics to perform periodontal preventive measures and early diagnosis in the event of more serious problems.


The gums also undergoes changes during pregnancy. Frequently, pregnant women suffer more gingivitis from the second or third month. This disease is characterized by inflammation, bleeding and redness of the gum caused by the accumulation of plaque. In this case there is also a risk that the bone and other tissues surrounding the teeth will be permanently damaged if no treatment is performed.

Patients in periodontal treatment should take care of maintenance during pregnancy because often the condition of the gums worsens during it, now more than ever it is very important to visit your dentist or periodontics.

Research studies have shown that periodontal disease in pregnant women can be a risk factor for the birth of immature children. Maintaining good periodontal health is the mother’s first bet to have a healthy child.

If you are taking oral contraceptives, the “pill”, you may be susceptible to the same disorders that affect pregnant women.


The most important affectation that could appear in your mouth at this stage of your life would be the sensation of dryness and irritation.

If you are using estrogen supplementation patches, they will hardly affect your mouth, however, taking progesterone supplement can increase the irritability of the gum and the tendency to swelling, bleeding and redness.

Sometimes, after menopause, a certain degree of osteoporosis appears.

Recently osteoporosis has been linked to a greater tendency to suffer periodontal disease, so in these cases, the care of the gum health should be a priority in the affected woman.

Foods that harm children’s teeth

We all know that eating well is important for the growth and development of children, but many foods that are good for the body can have a harmful effect on the teeth. Infant feeding is flooded with sweet and greasy commercial products, which harm the oral health of children, so it is essential that parents know their children’s diet and know how to select the best options.

Children need a varied diet that contains all the nutrients to grow, but you must restrict the amount of sugar consumed daily. Sweetened foods raise the risk of decay considerably because some bacteria in the mouth use sugar to produce acids that dissolve tooth enamel and cause tooth decay.

Sticky foods, like candy and sweets, are also dangerous for children’s dental health, as they stay in contact with the teeth longer, helping to nourish the bacteria that cause decay.

Among the most dangerous foods are sweets, such as cookies and cakes, processed cereals, fried potatoes and seemingly harmless dried fruits.

Experts recommend that parents encourage their children to eat healthy foods from the first years of life. Dairy products, fruits and vegetables are essential for the development of the body and for forming healthy teeth.

While hygiene and genetics also carry their responsibility for the health of the teeth, what children eat greatly influences the health of the mouth.

How are your teeth aligned

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that is responsible for the alignment of the teeth and the correction of bite problems, as well as to guide the eruption of the teeth and the development of the jaws thus producing a balance in the oral apparatus and therefore in the cervical and dorsal spine, as well as an ideal aesthetic of the face.

More and more children and adults are aware of the enormous aesthetic and functional benefits that come with performing an orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontics is carried out through the use of different orthodontic appliances.

Orthodontic appliances straighten the teeth by exerting constant pressure on them and keeping them in a fixed position for a certain period of time.

There are two kinds:

  • Orthopedic devices, act on the maxillary bones (for example, chin rests to correct mandibular prognathous or advanced jaw or plastic plates to widen the palate).
  • The other type of appliances acts directly on the teeth and consists of metal arcs of various alloys on which metallic or ceramic supports called brackets slide that press on the teeth and end up moving them to the desired positions.

How does a teeth whitening work

Why do teeth become yellowed?

Indeed, there is a genetic component that makes the characteristic white color lose strength with age. However, in most cases, it is due to the regular intake of beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. To this, we have to add tobacco and some medications that also contribute to it.

How can we have white teeth again?

Teeth whitening, always seeks to recover the natural white of your youth, the tone you had in adolescence and that, because of the habits discussed above, has been disappearing.

There are several types of whitening (laser, pharmacy, etc.), but it has been shown that the most effective and least aggressive with the denture is LED whitening performed in clinic. The result will depend, in 90%, on the quality of the product used and the professional that applies it. A quality product guarantees not only that your teeth will not suffer the least, but that you will hardly experience sensitivity and its duration will be prolonged in time if you follow the advice that the specialist dentist will give you when leaving the consultation.

How many shades can teeth be bleached?

  • For people with good dental health a whitening of 1 session to lose 1 to 2 shades is more than enough.
  • For people with more yellow teeth, 1 whitening session is recommended to lower 3 shades.
  • For people with very yellow teeth, a whitening of 2 or more sessions is recommended to reach the desired target and recommended by the specialist, who contemplates lowering 4 or more tones.

What should we do before undergoing tooth whitening?

The main thing is to have a dental check-up. Bleaching should be carried out without decay, since these areas cannot be bleached until they are healthy. If you come to Policlinic Barcelona to get a whitening and you have cavities, do not worry, we will give you an important discount so that nothing spoils your plans to show a healthy and bright smile.

The second, prior to whitening, should be carried out dental hygiene and should be less than 6 months since it was made. It is necessary to the tartar will prevent the piece of tooth that covers to be bleached and the result of the whitening would not be optimal (there would be areas of white and yellow teeth).

What is Led whitening?

As we told you, LED whitening in clinic is the most effective, the healthiest and the most durable.

After the revision and dental hygiene, the dentist introduces you in the mouth an appliqué that allows you to keep it open without discomfort and without you having to think about it. In turn, it will show you the current color of your teeth using a dental chromatic meter.

Next, use a gel on the upper part of the gums to protect them and, finally, gently spread the whitening product over the enamel, tooth by tooth and with special care so that the result is excellent.

Once the preparation is finished, a special Led light is directly focused on the denture between 30 and 45 minutes. At the same time, you put special glasses that prevent you from suffering discomfort because of the led.

The Led light reacts to the whitening product, which produces free radicals that penetrate the enamel and eliminate the chromospheres, the molecule responsible for the pigmentation of the teeth and responsible for its yellowish tone.

After the estimated time, the dentist will remove the protective gel from the gum, will ask you to clarify and re-measure the tone in the dental chromatic meter so you can see, in situ, the number of tones lowered.

Effectively, the result is immediate.

How does teeth whitening work

Teeth whitening occurs in two ways: First, stains on the outer layer of the tooth and under the surface of the enamel are removed. Second, the appearance of new spots is prevented. This is achieved by removing and rinsing the spots, and protecting the teeth against stains. How does stain removal work? The elimination of stains on the outer layer of the tooth requires chemical and physical actions, such as the removal and chemical alteration of the spots.

These actions destroy or alter the stains of the outer layer of the enamel, and, as a result, whiter and brighter teeth are obtained. To remove the stains that accumulate under the enamel, you need to bleach the surface, which is a chemical process that involves removing the color by oxidizing the molecules of the stain. Whitening methods vary depending on the concentration of peroxide, which is the whitening agent used, and allows to control the degree of whiteness that is desired in the teeth.

The methods of tooth whitening include professional treatments performed by dentists, whitening toothpaste, whitening strips and home whitening systems.  (Know everything you need to know about teeth whitening.)

What causes stains on teeth? The stains on the teeth are due to a variety of different causes. To help have a bright and beautiful smile, avoid activities and foods that cause stains. For example, certain foods and beverages such as cola drinks and red wine can stain teeth, tobacco, poor dental hygiene and certain diseases as well. If you incur some of them, remember to brush your teeth immediately and at least after each meal. To achieve a more white and healthy smile that generates confidence.

What is the best method of whitening teeth? If you are considering whitening your teeth, you can choose from several options: from professional dental treatments to home systems.

While there are many home bleaching, it is important to understand the risks of whitening recipes that are prepared at home? The most common danger of these remedies is to damage the tooth enamel. The use of natural foods, such as strawberries or orange peels, and the use of sodium bicarbonate in all its forms can irritate the gums and weaken the enamel.

How is tooth whitening

Teeth whitening has become one of the most revolutionary options in the field in recent years. The possibility of improving the color of our teeth, which become yellow with time and our habits, is undoubtedly a great aesthetic alternative for many. But before starting this treatment it is good to know what it is and what are the main possibilities, to choose the one that best suits our needs.

Why are our teeth stained?

There are many reasons that can cause our teeth to stain or turn yellow, some of them can occur before the tooth comes out and others when it is already out. The most comons are:

  • The consumption of some types of antibiotics
  • Hereditary spots and excess fluoride
  • Excessive consumption of food that stains teeth such as tea, coffee, wine, among others
  • Smoke
  • Bad habits of dental hygiene
  • The aging

Professional teeth whitening

Just as there are several causes that cause our teeth to turn yellow, we can also count on different solutions. The tooth whitening professional is definitely the best choice for the most outstanding results.

It must be performed by a specialist in a certified dental office, and the number of sessions and the technique to be used may vary depending on the type of stains that you wish to eliminate, so it is essential to go to a consultation for the specialist to indicate what is the most convenient according to the case.

Teeth whitening at home

Currently there are several commercial brands that have launched their own line of products for teeth whitening. They work optimally in the long term and in cases where the spots to be removed are not very strong.

Another alternative is the use of professional whitening products at home, but they should be recommended by a specialist after a consultation and an analysis of the case. These are items that work more efficiently than the commercial products mentioned above, since their peroxide compound is higher.

However for important spots or if a better result is expected, it is best to go to a specialist and undergo a professional treatment.

Mixed teeth whitening

This type of treatment involves the fusion of professional treatment with one at home. It is one of the most common and recommended alternatives due to its quick and outstanding results.

It helps to diminish or eliminate important spots, and although it requires commitment on the part of the patient to follow at home the instructions, the teeth begin to look whiter from the first sessions.


  • Before starting any treatment of teeth whitening at home it is very important to undergo a professional dental cleaning, in this way you guarantee that the treatment works better.
  • In the same way it is necessary to go to a certified specialist and know thoroughly if you can submit to treatment, what are the risks and what changes you should make in your daily habits.
  • This article is merely informative. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

How to choose a toothbrush

Electric or manual, cross-wound, rolled up, flexible or rigid, orthodontic, small or large head, with or without indicator band to see wear, flexible, ergonomic, straight or curved handle, with or without tongue brush , for dentures, for sensitive or regular teeth, pulse or oscillation, connected Bluetooth (yes! and without bad pun!) …

Companies that sell oral hygiene products are accompanied by marketing teams to offer a huge choice.

But for the consumer, what should we stick to when making a choice for our toothbrush? After all, we simply want to brush our teeth, to have a good result in order to preserve our health.

  • Here are the most important things to remember. Then, it is the choice and the budget of each:
  • Opt for a compact, round-headed toothbrush to easily reach all tooth surfaces;
  • Choose a brush with soft bristles or extra soft to preserve tooth enamel and protect the gums. A stiff bristle brush that gives you the impression of “brushing hard” is contraindicated;
  • Check if the handle allows a comfortable grip. It’s unique to everyone so do not be afraid to try several;
  • Replace the toothbrush or tip of your electric toothbrush when the bristles bend or when a whitish layer builds up at the base of the bristles (usually every three months).


The electric toothbrush, with its impressive performance of 30,000 brush strokes per minute, easily outperforms the manual toothbrush (admit that it takes a lot of wrist to achieve this kind of results!). Its effectiveness for the health of your teeth is unquestionably superior and the additional cost is worth it. If you opt for an electric brush, it is better to choose a replaceable head model operating by oscillating and pulsating movements.

And again here, prices vary enormously from one model to another, as do the features. Take the time to inform yourself and ask your dentist for advice on your next visit. We are in the best position to direct you in your purchase.

However, if your budget does not permit, brushing time and the use of good technique are more important than the type of toothbrush used. For the rest, brushing every day and at least 2 to 3 times a day will be the norm, no matter what you choose.


Choosing a toothbrush for young children is sometimes a big challenge. Again, the selection is huge and companies are struggling to make the choice of your child is their brand.

For babies, a small rubber tip and placed at the tip of your finger will do just fine. Afterwards, when the child begins to learn to brush their own teeth, the choice is immense.

On one hand, we like to make sure that the brushing of the teeth is playful in the children so that it does not become a chore or a big session of “NO”. Hence the range of brushes with the effigy of characters known to children. Again, do not be fooled by the little princess or the little superhero. We choose a toothbrush with a very compact head and we make sure that the child can brush all his teeth with the chosen model. Be careful when it comes time to brush the teeth that are at the back of the mouth. Check this aspect before purchase.

On the other hand, teaching the right brushing movement is not obvious in young children. Many may be tempted to opt for an electric toothbrush. This is not necessarily a bad thing, although the quality of the battery-powered toothbrushes can sometimes leave something to be desired, not to mention the high consumption of batteries. But it is not bad either to show the manual brushing technique to your child.

Again, the important thing is to get a good brushing result and instill this good habit in our children so that it becomes natural. You will gain long-term treatment at the dentist.

Last small note for children. We often hear that our children’s baby teeth do not require as much care as adult teeth, since the baby teeth will eventually fall out. This is of course a false belief!

On the one hand, instilling the good habit of oral hygiene in infants helps to maintain this good behavior once adult teeth are pushed. On the other hand, oral hygiene is not just about teeth, as its name suggests. It’s also about the health of our mouth and our gums.

How to choose toothbrush

Just as each of us will use a different sun protection factor according to our skin type, the toothbrush that we will have to use will also be different according to our teeth.

Now, how to choose the most suitable brush? Due to the great variety of shapes, sizes, models, brands that we can find in the market, it is normal that we do not know which one to choose. There are a series of variables that we have to take into account

Trademarks certified by the European Union. When buying a brush from a certified brand, we make sure that the cut of the filaments is adequate. If we use an unbranded brush or an uncertified brand, the filaments of the brush may open when brushing our teeth and wear out more easily, causing gum damage.

Electric or manual brush? Both brushes can be equally effective in dental hygiene if their use is correct. It is true that the electric brush offers some advantages:

  • The rotation of the head is fast and automatic, which makes dental cleaning complete in less time.
  • Bacterial plaque is removed without exerting too much force on the surface of the tooth. With a manual brush we may not be aware of the force we are exerting. Too much force can cause damage to the gums. The electric brush regulates this force. In addition, there are studies that show that the electric brush eliminates a greater amount of plaque than the manual.
  • The electric brush has a clock that will measure the real time of each brushing, something that, with manual brushing, is more difficult to control.

Hardness: As a general rule, medium hardness brushes are ideal for removing plaque and food debris. It will always be better to ask our dentist what will be the best brush in our case, since, if we have undergone surgery, for example, it will be better to use a brush with soft filaments (soft).

In short, there is no mathematical formula to choose the brush that best suits your mouth, but these recommendations can serve as a guide to choose the best option.