The specialty of dentistry that studies the prevention and treatment of related tissues that support the teeth is called disease periodontics. Some of the periodontal diseases are best known periodontitis and gingivitis.

Among the world’s leading causes of tooth loss is precisely periodontitis. It is estimated that 75% of the world population suffers from it. It is a bacterial disease that directly affects the gums and bones that support the teeth. The first signs that represent that are suffering from periodontitis are redness of the gums, inflammation and bleeding them on while brushing. Other more serious symptoms are the mobility of the teeth along with gum recession and, in some cases, bad breath.

Besides the lack of dental hygiene, periodondititis can be caused or be associated with other diseases or conditions such as, for example, diabetes, myocardial infarction, pneumonia and premature birth. To combat the disease is necessary to eliminate the bacteria that cause it. This way for the progression of the disease and even sometimes you can recover some of the lost bone.

Causes of Periodontitis

The cause of periodontitis is bacteria. They are responsible for the gum disease. In the human mouth there are about 600 different types of bacteria and many are dangerous to the dental tissues. Bacteria in the mouth are placed on the teeth and gums and the well-known form plaque. For this reason it is so necessary to brush your teeth regularly.

Some people may be affected by the bacteria to a greater extent than others. This is because each individual is more or less sensitive to the bacteria due to their genetics.

Is it hereditary periodontitis?

Definitely yes. The disease is not transmitted from parents to children, but genetic predisposition is transmitted to allergies. The genetic predisposition to a disease does not mean the patient will suffer it, just that the chances are higher compared with those of a person who has no predisposition. It is very likely that people who suffer periodontitis, found that his family (parents and siblings) also suffer.

On the other hand, periodontitis is such a common disease (affects 3 out of 4) that downplayed the fact that it is hereditary. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to control plaque.

Does smoking affect the periodontitis?

Your dentist will probably be advised not to smoke or if you’re a smoker, miss. This is because, the snuff, although it may not cause gum disease directly, can increase the severity of periodontitis and other diseases of the mouth. It also reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

But, why the disease aggravates snuff? The snuff reduces the amount of blood reaching the tissues and gum and thus reduces the ability of defense against bacteria.

How periodontitis cure?

Keeping your mouth clean is always a help, so if you already have the disease and if you want to prevent it. The dental specialist should examine your case to treat the disease and he will decide what treatment is best for your case.