Do not ever your teeth horizontally

The World Health Organization recommends consuming about 6 toothpaste tubes a year, while the French consume only an average of 3.4. (The economic crisis requires …). She also recommends eating 4 toothbrushes a year, a toothbrush every 3 months, but the French consume an average of 1.7.

First, why brush your teeth?

To protect yourself from cavities, see! Would you tell me?

Yes, that’s right, but what is actually a decay?

There are no less than 500 species of bacteria in our mouths. They appear and develop mainly after meals and are usually eliminated by brushing teeth. However, when dental hygiene is poor or simply not available, bacteria cling to the surface of our teeth and form a kind of thicker film, this is called plaque. To survive, bacteria feed on the sugars present in our diet. By feeding, bacteria produce acids and it is these acids that attack our teeth. In this case, we speak of caries.

Why did my brother never have cavities while me, yes?

Maybe because he brushes his teeth better? Yes, but not only Indeed, each individual does not have the same equivalent resistance in dental enamel. Some will have a strong dental enamel while others will have a finer enamel and therefore will be more vulnerable to cavities.

The brushing of the evening teeth is the most important of the day. Indeed, during the night, we produce less saliva (saliva is a natural protection against the bacteria present in our mouth) the bacterial development is then increased and the risk of attack also.

How do you brush your teeth well?

Brushing your teeth means brushing your teeth in several steps for about 3 minutes.

Tip: put a song at the same time as you brush your teeth, on average a song lasts between 3min30 and 4min

  • Brush the top and bottom teeth separately.
  • Start by brushing the teeth from the top of the gum to the tooth
  • You have to alternate vertical and rotary movements to brush teeth and gums.
  • Never brush your teeth horizontally and close your mouth.
  • Then attack the inner side of the teeth, always gums to the teeth.
  • And finally do the same thing with the bottom teeth.

How to cure the toothache

Toothache occurs when the dental pulp is inflamed, which is a central part of the extremely sensitive tooth. It can happen for several reasons: a tooth decay, an al dente shot or an infection of the gums.

Take a painkiller. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen provide effective relief against light toothache. A stabbing pain prevents you from eating, talking and sleeping. It’s even harder to treat a toothache when you feel a lot of pain, so use some over-the-counter medication to relieve the pain.

  • Follow the dosage indicated by the doctor or the one written on the leaflet.

Apply a cold compress. Fill an envelope with ice, cover it with a cloth or cloth and apply the compress directly on the tooth or cheek at the painful area. The cold will relieve the pain.

Do not put the ice directly on the tooth: the pain would increase, often the inflamed teeth are more sensitive than usual to temperature changes.

Get upset in the area. Buy an over-the-counter product to numb the tooth and gums, perhaps in gel. It is useful for relieving the excruciating pain for a few hours. This type of gel is applied directly to the affected area and the effect lasts for several hours.

Thoroughly clean the oral cavity. Sometimes toothaches are caused by pieces of food stuck in the tooth that accentuate the pain of caries or gingivitis. If this is the case, washing your teeth and your mouth can be helpful in stopping the pain and solving the problem.

  • Use dental floss around the affected tooth. Make sure the thread reaches the gums. Slide it back and forth along the tooth so that it collects all the accumulated waste at that point.
  • Wash the area with a toothbrush. If the pain is caused by gingivitis, it is one of the best methods to relieve pain. Use the toothbrush on the tooth for a few minutes, focusing on the painful area. Continue to brush until that point is no longer very sensitive.
  • Use a mouthwash. Complete the cleaning with rinses to remove the residues accumulated in the oral cavity.
  • Continue to treat oral hygiene. Repeat this process twice a day, every day, until the pain has passed.

Make rinses with salt. Toothache could pass by itself if it was caused by a tooth stroke or a slight infection. To make the healing quicker, rinse with warm water and a spoonful of salt. When the salt has melted, use the solution to make gargling involving the painful area. Repeat them several times a day until the pain has passed.

How to remove coffee stains from your teeth

Your teeth are covered with a delicate white enamel coating that is very prone to staining, especially if exposed to acidic liquids such as coffee. A blend of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can remove coffee stains on the teeth. The baking soda is soft enough to remove stains without causing damage to the tooth enamel, and hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent found in many commercial teeth cleaning equipment. Be sure to check with your dentist before following this treatment, as it can cause damage to veneers and crowns.


  1. Measure one teaspoon of baking soda on a small plate. Add three to five drops of hydrogen peroxide, and stir the mixture to create a thick paste.
  2. Apply the mixture on your toothbrush, and brush your teeth with it for about two minutes, making sure to pay special attention to the coffee stained areas. Do not press stronger than normal on your teeth, as you could damage your enamel.
  3. Rinse your mouth with cold water to remove any traces of the mixture. Do not swallow the mixture.
  4. Repeat treatment once a day to remove recent stains. Several applications may be needed to whiten your smile completely.

Tips & Warnings

Never whiten children’s teeth with this mixture. Hydrogen peroxide can be toxic if swallowed, and treatment can damage a baby’s delicate teeth.

How to make natural toothpaste

Making your own toothpaste can be not only fun and chemical free, but it can also save you money. In fact, you can make a supply of toothpaste for a family of four for a year for less than $ 10. Toothpaste may not have fun colors and flavors, but it can be a healthy and affordable alternative to commercial toothpaste, and you can have choices of different flavors. Most of the items you need can be purchased fairly easily.


How to make natural toothpaste

  1. Pour 6 teaspoons of baking soda into a small, clean container that has a lid and is easy to store. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes odors and works effectively as a tooth whitening agent.
  2. Add 1/3 teaspoon of sea salt to the bowl. The salt is abrasive and adds flavor to the toothpaste. The abrasive salt can help act as small scrubbers to help clean the teeth. Sea salt is better because it is less processed and has no added iodine. Salt is very good for teeth and gums as it is astringent and helps to stop bacteria. Salt also acts as a cleaning agent.
  3. Combine 4 teaspoons of glycerin with the dry ingredients and blend until a paste is formed. Glycerin helps add consistency to home-made toothpaste and acts as a natural sweetener. It also helps prevent toothpaste from drying out.
  4. Use an essential oil to add a flavor of your choice of homemade pasta. Mix 10 to 12 drops of mint (peppermint), cinnamon, clove, orange or any flavor you decide on in your pasta. Some essential oils can serve medicinal purposes and help kill bacteria and germs. The tea tree, geranium and lemon can help with gingivitis. Clove oil, peppermint, wintergreen and cinnamon help to freshen the breath and can help kill germs.

Tips & Warnings

  • Some sea salts can be expensive, so you can buy fine salt at your local store.
  • Check your local health food store to find the right prices on essential oils.
  • Glycerin can be purchased at your local pharmacy for about $ 5 for a small bottle.
  • Place the lid of the container tightly and store in a safe and dry place.
  • If you have dental problems and are prone to cavities, consult your dentist. Homemade toothpaste does not contain fluoride, which can cause teeth to resist cavities.

How to make kids’ teeth white

Children have an insatiable appetite for all things that are sticky and fun to eat. The problem with these foods is that they are not good for teeth because plaques can appear quickly. This is formed by bacteria from the mouth and, when sugar is present, the plaque becomes sticky and attaches to the teeth. Sometimes, no matter how much or how often the child brushes his teeth, the plaque prevents them from looking white. But making these teeth whiter should not be too difficult, as there are many options to help your child achieve a bright smile.


  1. Visit the dentist. Children should see their dentist when they turn 1, according to the American Dental Association. If a child seems to be at risk for any problem, the dentist can apply topical solutions such as fluoride to help with future tooth decay and can also give a good cleaning to the teeth every six months or once a year.
  2. Brush your teeth twice a day with a small amount of toothpaste bleaching with fluoride. This helps to remove the starch and sugar from the teeth so that the white pearls can shine. As soon as your child has two teeth to touch, it is important to show him how to floss properly. This helps remove the plaque, which eventually hardens and turns into tartar. Until it is removed by a dentist, it covers the teeth and makes them appear yellowish.
  3. Purchase over-the-counter whitening strips for children with permanent front teeth. It should be around the age of 12, as all permanent teeth may not be present before, which can make their color inconsistent. Use these hydrogen peroxide strips as directed. The results may take a few weeks to appear.
  4. Ask the dentist if the whitening trays are an option and consult with your health insurance to see if it covers the treatment. These are filled with 10 percent carbide peroxide. The patient sleeps with the tray inserted for about four weeks.
  5. Investigate whitening at the dentist to see if your child’s teeth need to be bleached immediately. The dentist could first apply a protective layer to the gums and then put a whitening solution consisting of 15 to 35% hydrogen peroxide. The dentist then uses a heat laser to seal the solution.

How to make children brush their tongue

Teaching children to brush their teeth and take care of them is an important part of overall dental health. Without regular brushing, bacteria grow in the mouth, contributing to plaque development, tooth decay and bad breath. Part of the general cleaning of the mouth should include brushing the tongue. When you are teaching your child what good oral hygiene involves, brushing your tongue in your instructions.


  1. A thorough brushing should include the tongue.
  2. Explain to your child the steps needed to properly brush your teeth. A thorough brushing should include brushing all surfaces of the teeth, the tongue and then ending with flossing, according to Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
  3. Have your child stand in front of the mirror so he can see himself and then ask him to stick his tongue out as far as he can. While you have your tongue out for a few seconds, tell her to make sure she keeps her clean and keeps her teeth clean. Tell her that if she does not clean and brush her teeth, she can leave the germs on her tongue. Explain that these germs give you bad breath and may even interfere with the way the tongue tastes food.
  4. Teach your child how to brush his tongue to add to his brushing routine. Ask the child to pull out his tongue again and look at it in the mirror. Point out the tip, the center and then the back. Tell him it’s important that he try to brush his tongue. It highlights the fact that the back end of the tongue could be the place where many germs are hidden, so it is important that the brush reaches as far back as possible. You may be warned that it might make you nauseous when brushing your tongue, and that if this happens, you should not brush so thoroughly.
  5. Show your child how to brush their tongue so they feel and see the correct brushing. Brush your tongue carefully to reach all parts effectively. You can compare the brushing of the tongue with “paint”, indicates the Dental Health Week Web site.
  6. Encourage your child to remember to brush their tongue every time they brush their teeth, reports the Pediatric Dental Health website.
  7. Oversee the regular brushing of your child’s teeth to make sure he adds to his routine brushing his tongue. In a short time, this should become a learned habit and part of your oral care routine. Provide reminders if you forget.

How to explain oral hygiene to 3-year-olds

Because oral health is so crucial to your health, it is critical that you teach your children how to care for their teeth from an early age. If you make the tooth brushing, flossing and dental visits fun and explain that oral hygiene is easy, with easy to understand terms, children in your life will have better chances to grow with clean, healthy teeth and gums.

Explain the basics

For children to understand why they need to care for their teeth, they must understand the basics of oral hygiene, tooth decay and gum disease. Since the science behind these concepts is very complicated for 3-year-olds, it reduces concepts at the preschool level. Explain that when the sugar sticks to the teeth, small sugar insects are formed that eat the teeth, leaving small brown holes called cavities. Let her know that cavities are painful and unhealthy. This simplified version is enough for most children to take an interest in looking after their teeth.

Brushing and flossing

Tell your child that the best way to get rid of sugar bugs is to brush them to get rid of excess sugar. Use models or posters to show them how they look at their teeth closely and point out where sugar bugs can hide. Teach them that if they brush their teeth from both sides and thoroughly, the insects will be swept away. Explain that flossing will help get rid of the insects hidden between your teeth. Emphasize the importance of brushing and flossing at least twice a day for two minutes in each session. Also let them know that they should take their time to brush the sides of their cheeks and tongue.

Choosing healthy foods

Tell your children that their food choices affect oral hygiene. Because sugar bacteria like to feed on the sugars found in candy, cookies, and soda, it reminds children that these foods will attract more bugs. Explain that sticky candies like candy are especially bad for oral health because they are very difficult to clean from the teeth. Teach them about healthy snack choices such as vegetables, fruits and whole bakery products, and encourage them to make choices that will benefit their oral hygiene.

To visit the dentist

Children should see the dentist’s office as a friendly place where they feel comfortable. Emphasize that regular professional cleanings are a normal part of oral hygiene and that the dentist and his assistants will help fight cavities. Because some children will inevitably need to see the dentist to fill cavities or do other jobs besides cleanings, make sure they know that a trip to the dentist does not mean that they fail. If the clinic finds children a fun place, fear and anxiety about dental work will not follow them into adulthood.

How to care for a child with your first loose tooth

Losing baby teeth for permanents to start is a very normal process, but for a child, losing their first tooth can be a frightening and uncomfortable experience. Most of them experience physical and emotional discomfort that one tooth gradually loosens while another pushes from below. As a parent, you can help him calm down by convincing him that he is safe and making the tooth come out easier.


Visit the dentist. The first trips to the dentist of many children come when they begin to lose their baby teeth. The dentist will be able to educate the parents and the child about what to expect in the coming months and years, and how to prepare for them and what to do with their teeth. He will also be able to take a look at loose teeth and estimate how close they will come out.

Give your child chews to eat. Your child will probably experience discomfort with the teeth at some point, and this usually indicates that a tooth is almost ready to go out. Chewable foods will help to accelerate the detachment of the teeth from the gums.

Prepare for any bleeding that may occur. Most children fear the blood because they associate it with pain, injury, and death. Tell him he can bleed, but there is nothing to worry about, it’s just a little blood lost from the tooth when it comes off the gums. You can tell him to wipe the blood with tissue or gauze after the tooth comes out.

How to brush your teeth

Dentists recommend brushing their teeth after each meal or at least two to three times a day. The most important brushing is done before going to sleep, because during sleep, the movements of the tongue and the production of saliva decrease, and this favors the appearance of bacterial plaque.

Brushing teeth, therefore, should become a habit, and the technique used to remove dental plaque is vital, since if brushing is not suitable does not meet its purpose. An example of incorrect brushing is to move the brush vigorously from side to side. Although it seems the simplest way to brush your teeth is not effective, because it does not remove plaque from the entire dental surface, but it drags on the teeth and can also damage the enamel of the teeth and irritate the gums.

Techniques for brushing your teeth well

There are various techniques of brushing, and each person should choose the one that is most comfortable and effective, taking into account that it is essential to perform all movements with the utmost thoroughness and rigor, and for sufficient time, since it depends on the Correct removal of plaque and, therefore, oral health.

Modified Bass technique: consists of placing the toothbrush with an angulation of 45 with respect to the major axis of the tooth, and perform vibration movements for several seconds for each group of teeth. This technique is, moreover, the most appropriate for patients with periodontal problems.

Scrubbing or horizontal technique: it is the most recommended for children, because of the marked dental anatomy they present, and because it is simple to start using the toothbrush. In this technique horizontal movements are used.

Circular technique: it is intended for the little ones because of their lack of skill to handle the brush. The aim is to perform wide circular movements with the child’s mouth closed, moving the brush from the edge of the upper tooth to the lower tooth. This removes the plaque and massages the gums.

It is necessary to brush the teeth after each meal, for at least two minutes (better if they are three), and making all the movements correctly, so that the brushing is effective. At night, before bedtime, the brushing should be exhaustive, since it is when there is more risk of bacterial proliferation and, therefore, of caries.

It is advisable to also brush the tongue and the palate, as well as massage the gums, to activate the blood circulation and to favor the elimination of the rest of foods that have been able to accumulate between tooth and gum.

How to brush your teeth to an 11 month old baby

Regardless of whether you are caring for a child, you are a first-time father or mother of five, you should brush your baby’s teeth for 11 months twice a day, even if they are not yet completely out of gums. Baby teeth are the primary teeth. This means that those teeth will fall out to give way to permanent teeth. However, this does not mean that these teeth should not be brushed and treated with the same care as permanent teeth.


  1. Choose a baby toothbrush with extra soft bristles and small head. You can buy this type of toothbrush in pharmacies or supermarkets. Avoid buying adult toothbrushes or toothbrushes for children with medium or hard bristles.
  2. Brush your baby’s teeth without toothpaste until he’s 2 years old, according to “Parenting Magazine.” If you cannot bear the idea of ​​not using toothpaste when brushing your baby’s teeth, use fluoride-free children’s toothpaste as they can be swallowed safely.
  3. Gently massage your baby’s teeth with the toothbrush, make circular movements and pay special attention to the front, back and side of each tooth. Clean your gums with a damp paper towel where teeth have not yet grown.
  4. Give your child a sip of water to rinse your mouth. No problem if I swallow it.
    Brush your baby’s teeth every morning after breakfast and every night before bedtime.